The most exclusive Community
We are born into a world where we have limitations placed upon us as to what constitutes value and as such, the means as to how we transact with one another.

Our plan is simple.
We implement a minimum buy for our token. We have to take into account that smart people may not risk thousands on brand new experimental tokens and so we will have a tiered system as to how we set our minimum buy.
Internal Rankings
A Prestige within the community is to be recognized and so we have our own in-DAO richter scale.

Why you need to join ADAO?
We want a community that understands and respects how the market works, rather than screaming every time we see a small dip in price. Once live our holders will have their own token gated community, away from the riff raff which counts for an "investor" these days.
Because in a world full of noise, silence is the real luxury.